
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Late Nights

Don't really feel too good right now. Been having stomach aches. Must've been from that get-together friends and I had the other day. To top it all off, I can't sleep. D:

So I am in the process of rendering a playthrough. I've recorded up to two hours and so far I've rendered out only five parts. I'm going to hold off on uploading until I feel that I have enough videos because I'm going to be uploading them differently. Also, two hours equals a shit-ton of parts and I don't want to flood your subscribers box all at once.

Also, there's an issue that I have with the recording. It's that since the game I played is on the PC, knowing my luck I was destined to have my frame-rate drop at certain parts. It wasn't severe though. Another issue is that because I recorded the commentary off my baby laptop, it's going to be really soft to the point of you having to turn up your volume and/or straining your ears. I tried to make it louder but sadly what I have is the best I could do for now.

Finally, another reason why I'm holding off on uploading this set is because I haven't had to do commentary in almost a year so when I played it back, I couldn't help but cringe at my own voice. When it comes to making commentary, I'm rusty as hell! But hopefully, this playthrough will help me get back into the swing of things. After all, it's been a LONG time since I've done this.

Hopefully I'll decided to upload by next week if I'm not busy.

Alrighty, Laterz.

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