
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winter Break

During my winter break, I have experienced what I would like to call the best days of my life. 

Some of you who watched some of my Team Fortress 2 montages should be familiar with a person who was practically the star of most of those montages and took the heat of most my antics in our regular server. The name Jubjub should ring some bells. For the many of you that don't know, he's my boyfriend xD 

This past winter break, he flew down here to see me. He stayed from December 27th to January 2nd. Though a bit of a short time it may have been, it was the best week of our lives.

Through out the week, we've a number of things (which I wished I took some pictures of,) one of which we hiked up Koko head and nearly killed our legs xD We also went body boarding and I nearly ate every single wave because I'm rusty like that lol. Jubjub never went body boarding until that day and he rode almost every wave like a champ :I 

Though I wished I could have documented our moments together a bit better, I'm just happy after so many months behind a computer screen, we finally met each other face to face. 

I would like to mention more that happened during our week together, but the nyquil won't stop nagging at my eye lids to close xD 

Alrighty, laterz....

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