
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Decided to keep that water coloring class. Since I didn't need to buy that super expensive-ass book for history, I just used the money to get the water coloring kit and a few more things at the bookstore. That shit wasn't cheap, nor was it easy to carry around. Since my college decided to go green and not give plastic bags to carry around purchases anymore, I had to resort to buying a "stay green" tote bag. Carrying around the kit AND the art box I bought would have been a bitch without it since I had to bus it home.

Soon as I got home, being the curious George I am, I opened up the kit to see what was inside. A bunch of neat stuff I'll admit, but I'm a little anxious about using them because when it comes to art, painting would have to be my weakest area. That could have been due to a shitty art teacher I had that would just throw assignments at us and expect us to already know how to do this and that.

Alas, the reason why I chose to stay away from any sort of art class until now. I thought that if I gave this a go then I might be able to pick up a bunch of things and maybe be able to draw more since I haven't drawn anything worth while in a long, long time.

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