
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Decided to keep that water coloring class. Since I didn't need to buy that super expensive-ass book for history, I just used the money to get the water coloring kit and a few more things at the bookstore. That shit wasn't cheap, nor was it easy to carry around. Since my college decided to go green and not give plastic bags to carry around purchases anymore, I had to resort to buying a "stay green" tote bag. Carrying around the kit AND the art box I bought would have been a bitch without it since I had to bus it home.

Soon as I got home, being the curious George I am, I opened up the kit to see what was inside. A bunch of neat stuff I'll admit, but I'm a little anxious about using them because when it comes to art, painting would have to be my weakest area. That could have been due to a shitty art teacher I had that would just throw assignments at us and expect us to already know how to do this and that.

Alas, the reason why I chose to stay away from any sort of art class until now. I thought that if I gave this a go then I might be able to pick up a bunch of things and maybe be able to draw more since I haven't drawn anything worth while in a long, long time.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of Classes

Day... was... so... freaking... long...

My classes began at 11:30am and I didn't get home until around 8:30pm. Dayum. Oh well, I like my classes so far but it's a shame I might have to drop water coloring. The prices for the materials are insane. The water coloring kit at the HCC book store alone is $57.99, but the kit only covers a quarter of the materials. Oh well, I only signed up for that class for fun but it's really hard to see the fun when the materials are gonna put one hell of a dent in your wallet. It's bad enough that my books are expensive (a used history book, about $70-$80!)

Spanish class was interesting. Though I didn't understand half of what our instructor said when she strode in and spoke during the lecture, I got some good laughs from the parts I understood. Plus, I seem to have a very lively class. My other class, women's studies, though some of my classmates are a bit lively, it just feels like one of those classes where you need someone you know otherwise you'd feel like you'd go bonkers. I felt like I was gonna pass out due to exhaustion because my water painting class kinda wore me out. It was three freaking hours long.

At least tomorrow I have only one class. I have to get up earlier than today since it starts at 8:30am but at least I finish at 10:00am.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Classes are going to be starting soon. I'm really excited for my classes. Though it's a bummer that I haven't gotten around to getting something that could record my console gameplay, but it seems that I might have to find another means of recording commentary too since my other computer, the other one I've had since I began, is starting to crap out and is very, very slow as fuck. After I get around to transferring my old stuff to this computer, my dad is gonna take it off my hands. Not sure if he'll just keep or throw it away but I can look forward to having more room on my desk.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Taking Another Break

I'm trying to reinstate some good habits before classes begin on the 22nd. So I'm taking a break from PC gaming to do so. Also, my older brother had pointed out (in a very douchey manner via text message) that I've spent too much time playing games on the computer this past summer.

So I made a list. Shit I have to do before I can even log into steam again. I might be taking this a bit too far but it's either this or uninstall my steam browser and my games to make sure I don't play them for the longest time possible.

For those curious, here's the list:

  • Sleep early/ Wake up early
  • Eat regularly
  • Play "Ocarina of Time"
  • Play "Majora's Mask"
  • Dance to 5 songs in "Just dance 2"
  • Convince friends to hike Diamond Head
  • Play a round of pool 
  • Finish a book
  • Play "Silent Hill 2"
  • Submit some videos to youtube
  • Go shopping for clothes
(List will be modified from time to time due to me not wanting to put a dent in my wallet.)
    Easy? Maybe. Ridiculous? I won't lie, but it sure as hell is. I'm hoping I'd finish all of this before the end of the month. I don't know. Some of these I just thought of at the top of my head but the others are stuff I've been wanting to do but couldn't do so for a long time. Like the one about Diamond Head.

    Oh, and why does this post get a video on youtube? It's because I've had several walkthroughs planned on the PC but now I have to put them on hold because of this. Sorry, but for those of you who've been wanting to see something from me for a long time that isn't a TF2 montage, you'll have to wait a little bit longer. :( I've still got that two hour long set of Psychonauts that I haven't gotten to rendering in a while and a few more montages to finish rendering. You'll still get some content but that's when I finally have the motivation to finish rendering. It's a lot harder to use Windows Movie Maker on a windows 7 computer, that could just be me because I'm so used to the Vista version.

    I also tried to get Sony Vegas, but decided against it. Decided to use the money to buy games for some good friends that I play with since I might not be able to chat or play with them for while. 

    Okay, that's all I've got to say. Laterz.

    Thursday, July 21, 2011

    Late Nights

    Don't really feel too good right now. Been having stomach aches. Must've been from that get-together friends and I had the other day. To top it all off, I can't sleep. D:

    So I am in the process of rendering a playthrough. I've recorded up to two hours and so far I've rendered out only five parts. I'm going to hold off on uploading until I feel that I have enough videos because I'm going to be uploading them differently. Also, two hours equals a shit-ton of parts and I don't want to flood your subscribers box all at once.

    Also, there's an issue that I have with the recording. It's that since the game I played is on the PC, knowing my luck I was destined to have my frame-rate drop at certain parts. It wasn't severe though. Another issue is that because I recorded the commentary off my baby laptop, it's going to be really soft to the point of you having to turn up your volume and/or straining your ears. I tried to make it louder but sadly what I have is the best I could do for now.

    Finally, another reason why I'm holding off on uploading this set is because I haven't had to do commentary in almost a year so when I played it back, I couldn't help but cringe at my own voice. When it comes to making commentary, I'm rusty as hell! But hopefully, this playthrough will help me get back into the swing of things. After all, it's been a LONG time since I've done this.

    Hopefully I'll decided to upload by next week if I'm not busy.

    Alrighty, Laterz.

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    Happy 4th of July

    As the title says: Happy 4th of July!

    I wish you all a safe and fun filled holiday with family and friends.

    Thursday, June 30, 2011

    Job-less Again

    Remember that job I said that I had? Satan had informed me a few days ago that it was a scam and that he quit. Some sort of pyrimid scheme, however I won't state the name of the company. -Sigh- I had my hopes up too. Oh well, I guess it's back to searching for a job again. Why does the job market have to suck so badly here in Hawaii? D:

    Friday, June 24, 2011


    Looking back at that first post I made, I realize that I have GOT to proof read my shit. -_-' Also, I won't be posting a video every time I make a post here. I'll just post one if it regards what I do on youtube. As for any other posts, like this one, it's up to you if you want to read or not.

    Anyways, Satan had recommended me for a job he got not too long ago. They called yesterday and we arranged for me to meet with them for a job interview. It was a group interview too. Sure, I was nervous but it was interesting because we all got to see their product and if I was a customer I'd definitely buy it (if I had the cash.) So afterwards, we were given another form to fill in and that was it. They told us that they would call each of us in the next 10-30 minutes to tell us whether we've been accepted for the job or not. 

    While I was waiting for the bus to arrive, they called me up. First before telling me whether I was accepted or not, she asked why they should accept me for the job. I gave her my answer, and then she told me. 

    My reaction was this at that moment:

    So I start training next weekend. Maybe that new recorder will come in sooner? :D

    But then afterwards is where things got a little creepy for me. 

    While sitting on the bus, the old guy who sat right next to me was sitting WAY too close for comfort. At first I thought it was because the bus was crowded and I didn't blame him because the bus was pretty freaking crowded. But when people began leaving, he made no attempt to put some distance between us. In fact, he was trying to squeeze in closer to me. He even tried rubbing elbows with me. When he was pressing his leg up against mines, that's when I went from creeped out to pissed, to very pissed. While he was doing that, I noticed he kept looking over at my direction and he probably thought that he was in the clear to keep doing it, but when he saw me pause my iPod and look at him, the old creep looked like he was about to faint. Then I told him "do you really need THAT much room to sit?" I didn't yell or anything, but I said it loud enough. Afterwards, he immediately backed off and in less then a minute, he left the bus. 

    Fucking creep. I didn't let that sour my mood though. After a year of searching, I finally got a job! :D

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    First things first

    Ey! Aoiyo here. Thought I'd give blogspot a go since I haven't been active on Youtube for a while and I've no motivation to steal my sister's digital camera to make an update video. :P

    As I (might've) explained, the past many months that I have spent un-active (however you spell that) on youtube was due to some technical difficulties with the computer that I used to use to record gameplay footage. I do still have "Just Dance 2" but I decide to hold off on that project because I didn't want to flood your subscribers box with video of Satan and I dancing horribly.

    If anyone is curious about what happened with the computer, it was some error with the start-up file. From what I've researched, it's common among Windows-HP. I tried all I can to fix the thing, even brought it in to get it checked. I could get it formatted and just re-install the recording program again and go about recording like before but I was told that the corrupted file would come crawling back and I would have to pay again to get it formatted. Rinse and repeat.

    So my brother and I decided to just trash our (7-8 year-old) computer and get a new one. Few more months later, I saved up enough to buy a brand new computer and I week later, I ordered a new capture card because I lost the installation disk. Yesterday, I tried to install it but it was made almost impossible due to my laptop being a Windows-7. I searched online for drivers that are compatible with my operating system and I did, but something went wrong. When I tested it out, visuals are alright but no audio no matter how much I toggle with the options.

    So I decided to go with another recorder, which I am saving up for now. It's one of those dazzle thingies. If and when I do get it, video quality might improve. If not or if it improves only by a little, then at least I'll have something that's compatible with my operating system.


    Okay, it's getting a little hard to type out all these technical issues with the distractions in my room right now. XD Curse you King of the Hill.

    So the purpose of blogspot is so that I can explain issues like the one I've been having with recording. I might also do a bit blogging but for all I know that's just going to be gaming related. Like for example, Team Fortress 2, one of my all time favorite games for the PC is now free to play. Anyone and everyone who is reading this and don't know what the game is, I recommend checking it out.

    Oh, one more thing before I end this post. Satan and I began a steam group a while ago called "The Upgraded Idiots." It's for anyone interested in playing online us. I'm working on trying to get my own server but that'll be on the shelf until I can figure out the payment method. For now, when I get around to it, I'll just post up other servers that we frequent.

    Alrighty, I think that's about it. Okay, Laterz.